2014 French Euro Micro


Micro Class France & Aquatic Club Alsace and Lorraine will organize French Euro Micro 2014 leg from 1st of May to 4th of May.

This superb sailing venue, located in East part of France, is easy to access for most of European Micro competitors. With a large contribution of French Micro to this early season event it will be a great regatta.

Taking advantage of 4 days regatta, two events evening will be organised in the New Club House venue. Friday May 2nd Crew Diner and saturday May 3rd Micro Class barbecue Party.

First leg of the intertional season, as 1 st step of French Classic Tour, we are looking for you in Plobsheim/Strasbourg for a sportive and festive week end.

All informations on microclass.fr

Régate Micro Strasbourg Europeenne Micro ACAL




logo-micro-rouge-mini Notice of race


logo-micro-rouge-mini Wettfahrtausschreibung


