Micro Cupper Class

Governed by the Micro Class Constitution,
Micro Class Rules and Regulations.

Hot news

Storm Jib not required

Class Rules changes Storm Jib not required on new class rules 05.03.6.a and 05.03.6.a deleted 05.07.01 deleted Micro Class rules

Euro Micro Results for 2022

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We finally have the final results of the 2022 Euro Micro Cup after all 2022 Regattas. Congratulations to the winners and all the crews !

Statement on jib measurement

IMCCA statement on jib measurement All jibs measured by an official Micro class measurer by July 2022 or later will be considered valid. All measurements are always to be measured according to the class…

Euro Micro Results for 2021

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We finally have  the final results of the 2021 Euro Micro Cup after all 2021 Regattas. Congratulations to the winners and all the crews !



New IMCCA Board

Since Saturday, the International Micro Cupper Class Association (IMCCA) has a new board: Philippe Benaben: President Francis Marx: Vice President West and in charge of development Bartosz Piotrowski:…

Top participation at MicroCup 2015

63 competitors have been racing during five days in Brest. 11 Nations were represented: Eastern Europe with Poland, Russia, Serbia, Latvia, Estonia, Slovakia, and Western Europe with Netherlands, Belgium,…

IMCCA 2014 GA in Brest in August 2015

IMCCA General Assembly 2014 in Brest in 2015, during the  World Championships.

Polish Euro Micro Regatta Date Changed!

We are sorry to inform you at a short notice that Polish Micro Championships Regatta (also the Polish Euro Micro regatta for this year) has been moved to an earlier date due to drought and problems with…

Micro Class Rules 2015-2018 Published

IMCCA is happy to announce that the new edition of class rules is approved by ISAF and fully applicable. You can download the Class Rules of the Micro Class, edition 2015-2018 from our Class Rules…

RSS MicroClass France

  • CALENDRIER 2025 12.19.2024
    Voici la carte pratiquement finalisée des régates prévues pour 2025. Le centre géographique des compétitions se déplace vers le nord avec le retour des Vielles Forges et de Strasbourg. A noter l’ajout d’une nouvelle régate en mer à La Rochelle, le retour d’Aix-Les-Bains et nous attendons la validation de Maubuisson. Grâce à ce nouveau calendrier, […]

RSS MicroClass Poland

  • Typy żeglarstwa sportowego 01.13.2024
    Wyścigi floty żeglarskiej W świecie żeglarstwa regaty flotowe cieszą się największą popularnością. To forma rywalizacji, w której łodzie ścigają się na wyznaczonym torze. Istnieją dwie główne odmiany tego typu zawodów: regaty jednoklasowe oraz regaty z podziałem na klasy. W regatach jednoklasowych podobnie jak to ma miejsce podczas Igrzysk Olimpijskich w żeglarstwie, wszystkie łodzie są identyczne,… […]

RSS MicroClass Russia

  • Кубок России 2024 завершен 12.11.2024
    Победители определены! Пять этапов, проходившие по всей стране в течении этого сезона , наконец то завершились. Сильнейшим экипажем, достойно сражавшимся навсех практически этапах предсказуемо стал экипаж из Уральской столицы Микро-Екатеринбурга. Это экипаж Ольги Шардаковой » Все равно Спасибо». Экипаж Уральцев: Шардакова Ольга, Зимин Павел, Рыжов Андрей, Левин Иван,Рыжов Андрей,Матюшин Никита,Базуев Кирилл,Галкина Василиса….               Второе Место […]

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